Data protection

Last updated: 16 July 2021

Questions about the website and/or privacy

If you have any questions about the website and/or data protection, please send an email to mail(at)

Your data

Your data will be used by project networks to organize the event. The provision of this data is voluntary. Your data will be treated confidentially in accordance with the data protection regulations.

The information we collect includes, but is not limited to, the following data:

  • Name & job title
  • Company name
  • Address
  • Phone & Fax Number
  • eMail address
  • Fields of interest

project networks is the sole owner of this collected information.

Setting up cookies & log files

This website uses Borlabs Cookie, which sets a technically necessary cookie (borlabs-cookie) to store your cookie consents.

Borlabs cookie does not process any personal data.

The borlabs-cookie cookie stores your consents that you gave when you entered the website. If you wish to revoke these consents, simply delete the cookie in your browser. When you re-enter/reload the website, you will be asked again for your cookie consent.

When you visit our website, a cookie is set up on your computer. This supports our visitor statistics. Likewise, project networks collects certain information about your computer hardware and software.

The information includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Your IP address
  • Database search routine
  • Operating system
  • Access times
  • Linked websites

This information is used only to support our performance and services as well as to improve quality.

Your data in the context of the preparation/follow-up of an event

project networks reserves the right to share your data with the other participating companies of a business summit you are attending or have attended in order to facilitate targeted preparation of participants at our events and also subsequent networking. If you do not wish to give this consent, please send an email to mail(at) with the following note.

“I do not want to make my information available to the other companies involved in a business summit.”

“I do not wish to receive information about project networks events and services.”

Links to other websites

The project networks website contains links to other websites. Please be aware that project networks is not responsible for the privacy practices of such sites. This privacy statement applies only to information collected by project networks.


project networks takes precautions to protect your information. When sensitive information is entered on the Internet, we protect that information through encryption, such as SSL. Only employees who need this information as part of their job are granted access to personal information.

Change or delete your data

If your personal information has changed, or if you would like to have your information deleted, we will make every effort to do so as soon as possible. Please send your wishes in this regard by e-mail to mail(at)


If you do not wish to receive newsletters or promotional materials, you may opt out of our mailing list. Simply return the letters with a note UNSUBSCRIBE or send an eMail to mail(at) Occasionally, however, it may be necessary to send you important changes related to your event participation, for example, to inform you of a change of venue.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the online offer by the users is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

Google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate the use of our online offer by users, to compile reports on the activities within this online offer and to provide us with other services related to the use of this online offer and the use of the Internet. In doing so, pseudonymous user profiles can be created from the processed data.

We only use Google Analytics with IP anonymization activated. This means that the IP address of the user is shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The IP address transmitted by the user’s browser is not merged with other data from Google. Users can prevent the storage of cookies by setting their browser software accordingly; users can also prevent the collection of the data generated by the cookie and related to their use of the online offer to Google, as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link:

Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a data protection officer
project networks GmbH
Hardy Grüttner
Stefan-Heym-Platz 1
10367 Berlin

Right to complain to a supervisory authority

You have the right to complain to the competent supervisory authority in the event of data protection violations. The competent supervisory authority for our company is the Berliner Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit, Friedrichstr. 129, 10969 Berlin.

Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided in a structured, common and machine-readable format.


project networks occasionally updates this privacy statement. When we do, we will update the date of the last update at the top of the page. We will use your information in accordance with the privacy policy that was current when you provided us with your information. We will contact you in advance if there are any changes to this policy.